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Maker Faire Vienna 2023 in the METAStadt Vienna🚀

Away from all the AI posts at the moment, today the “real” geniuses are getting some attention – our “tinkerers”! 🎉🔧

The Maker Faire Vienna 2023 in the METAStadt Vienna this weekend was an impressive showcase of #creativity 💡 and #innovation. The world of technology was limitless and diverse: from children building robots to adults launching rockets 🌐🚀. Over 900 “makers” showed a wide range of work, from upcycling projects 🔄 to robotics 🤖 and 3D printing 🖨️. I have summarized a few of my impressions in the video 🎥.

The children’s program was also varied and inspiring, with offers such as a laser maze 🌀 and robotics workshops. It was a pleasure to see how girls in particular 👧 were inspired by science and technology.

The commitment of young people to technology and innovation was really infectious: the future of the maker community looks bright in my view 🌟👦👧.


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