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Metaverse, NFT and crypto conference – the Tomorrow Conference 2022 in Belgrade

Europe’s first and largest metaverse, NFT and crypto conference – the Tomorrow Conference – took place in Belgrade from 13-15.5.22. 🥳Sounds like buzzword bingo? 🤔 Quite honestly, I think it was one or two times.

But WOW 🤩:
It was a lot, it was impressive, it was inspiring. 3 days, over 100 presentations and keynotes, 2500 international attendees on site, 15000 in the stream. 👉 This alone shows that these technologies are now anything but a side note.

However, and the experts largely agreed on this, it is still a bit like the Wild West 🤠 – unregulated, super-hyped, with many market participants looking to make a quick buck. 🤑 Although this ensures mass creativity 🎨 and rapid, diverse developments, it will not be able to reach the masses in this phase – keyword “mass adoption”. Only when 15-20% of the population use technology can they achieve a breakthrough. What does this mean in concrete examples? 3.8% of the world’s population 🌍 aged 12 and over have come into contact with cryptocurrencies , NFTs are held by 350000 people worldwide – 0.0005% of the world’s population. There is still a long way to go. But of course, clever minds 👩‍🎓 already have interesting plans for this.

On the one hand, it can be events such as the highly publicized NFT Drop 🎉 that Johannes Pracher recently organized at the Startrampe Sparkasse OÖ, where interested parties were able to gather information. Another possibility is e.g. the use of NFT technology in billing systems 🛒. Its use there is not absolutely necessary, but many people would come into contact with it in one way or another in a short space of time. The question is therefore not if, but when these technologies will become part of our everyday lives.

For me personally, it was also particularly nice to see that so many experts 👨‍💻 are also dealing with the topic of metaverse outside of gaming 🕹️ and that many great things will be coming our way in the near future. 😍 Here too, however, there was widespread agreement that access must become easier and the hardware cheaper in order to reach a critical mass of use.

If you are interested in a deep dive on the topic of metaverse , I can recommend the Innovation Summit on July 1 in Linz, organized by the great Thomas Kasper. 😎 Among many other exciting topics, I will be giving a presentation on the topic of metaverse in relation to SMEs:

There will also be a live introduction to the Metaverse for anyone who doesn’t really know what to expect. 🧐

A few impressions of Europe’s largest metaverse, NFT and crypto conference:

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