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Off to the metaverse!

After months of preparation, the Sparkasse Oberösterreich IT Innovation Day was a great success 🚀. We are delighted that several hundred visitors have registered for our “experiment”! For example, they could use their avatars to watch lectures by experts (Michael Furtlehner, Simon Walchshofer, Ulrike Auer, Axel Stipsits, Erich Sieber, Alois Rudlstorfer, Christoph Tanzer, Martin Wiesmair, Martin Gruber, Jacob Wöginger) in the digital version of the Startrampe Sparkasse OÖ and experience the world of design thinking and co. with our “Future Guides” Martina Bergsleitner and Manuel Stiedl in the Sparkasse OÖ Future Lab. It was also possible to talk to branch manager Maximilian Schobesberger about the innovative concept of Austria’s most modern branch in the digital version of the branch at the JKU or to experience a new way of financial education with Nina von Gayl and Lydia Zitta in the digital Financial Life Park.

We are also very proud that, in addition to Sparkasse Oberösterreich CEO Maximilian Pointner, Maurizio Poletto
(CPO Erste Group Bank AG, Dietmar Boeckmann (CEO Erste Digital) and Philip List (Head of FLiP – Erste Financial Life Park) gave us the honor and posed for a virtual photo 😊

Thanks to all the facilitators, supporters and of course to all the speakers for their full commitment! In particular Karin Falkner for the perfect organization right from the start, Manuel Auer and Erich Bayer for the recording management during the presentations and Jakob Wolf for the support at the event. Of course, Dominic Koll, Daniel Hoeller and Michael Francis Fox for building the virtual worlds, as well as Erik Stabentheiner and many other great colleagues at Erste Digital for their support in the technical implementation of our experience.

We are looking forward to Innovation Day 2023 🎉

#beliefandyou#metaverse#metaverse meeting point#innovation#futureisnow#banking#wirtunesfirst

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