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If you don’t move with the times, you move with the times.

“If you don’t move with the times, you move with the times.” This saying has a special meaning for me, as I have been involved with the latest technologies and trends for many years.

Today I would like to share two publications with you that show how much the (or my) digital world has changed over the past ten years – and how I have developed as a person – and not just visually 😀

The first was in 2013, when I was asked to give tips for a Sparkasse Oberösterreich customer magazine on how to use the then still “new” media for yourself and what is important for safe online shopping .

The second is an interview in the current SOLID magazine (can be ordered here:, which deals with real estate and services in the metaverse . Ten years ago, this was hardly imaginable – but today it is an exciting opportunity to expand the boundaries of the Internet.

I think anyone who refuses to move with the times risks becoming irrelevant and falling by the wayside. We should therefore always be curious about and open to new developments and be prepared to adapt and learn.

#change #change #metaverse #innovation #digital #web3 #real estate

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