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Metaverse – Immerse yourself in the innovation workshop

I had the great honor and pleasure of speaking at the Innovation Conference for Real Estate Agents and the Annual Conference of Real Estate Appraisers of Sprengnetter Austria last week. 🚀🥳

In addition to many other exciting speakers, I was able to give presentations on the topic of metaverse and give the participants some background knowledge and an insight into this fascinating world – including an excursion into disruptive companion technologies such as ChatGPT and a future outlook with upcoming opportunities for the real estate industry. During a prepared live demo, the participants were also able to take their first steps in an online 3D world and experience how the Metaverse can work in practice. 💡

Many thanks for the trust and congratulations to Sprengnetter Austria for two perfectly organized and super exciting online events. Special thanks to Anja Lamprecht, MSc and Johanna Rauter for the great support, as well as Martina Klementin for the entertaining moderation! 🤩

metaverse #innovation #jib #itm #real estate #real estate agent #real estate appraiser #virtualreality #augmentedreality #metaverselinz

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